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Side Hill Screen Surfaces
Side Hill Screen Surfaces
  • Category:Wedge Wire Screen
  • Material:wedge wire 304 316L
  • Properties:sieve bend screen
  • Application:Filtration

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Side Hill Screen Surfaces

Side Hill Screen Surfaces is primarily influenced by the screen width, the slot opening, and the wire size (width). The chart below shows typical dewatering capacities in US gallons per minute (GPM) per foot of screen width. Actual capacity varies depending on the feed content and desired efficiency.

Screening efficiency and solids capacity are directly related to the length (arc length). Longer arc lengths should be considered for feed containing a high percentage of solids.

The dewatering capacity of cross flow dewatering screens such as the sieve bend  can be greatly increased by tilting the wedge wires.   The wedge wires are tilted 2 to 7 degrees depending on the  wire size and slot openin

Side Hill Screen Surfaces

Side Hill Screen Surfaces